Quality and customer satisfaction

We systematically review and check our internal processes, sometimes on a daily basis. This is because we recognise our relationships with our cutomers an dbusiness partners as the most important element of our business.

Grüne Energien Solar GmbH plans large projects within Europe to highest standards. In order to deliver these high standards, we implement a quality control system based on lean and six sigma methodology.

This is the key to Grüne Energien Solar GmbH’s success as a lean company. Globally, we were the most efficient solar park development company, with a developed power capacity of 50 MWp per employee in the years 2014 & 2015.

People & Teamwork

People and teamwork is a fundamental pillar of Grüne Energien Solar GmbH. We trust and empower our professional employees and business partners because we strongly believe that we only can grow if we all act as a team. This culture is firmly established and starts at the senior management level but includes all employees and our subcontractors, too.

The enthusiasm of our employees in relation to our vision and mission is another key factor for our success. This positive energy fosters even a closer cooperation between Grüne Energien Solar GmbH our subcontractors and investors.


Sustainability in economy and environment is an important topic for Grüne Energien Solar GmbH. Because of that we carefully select potential sites and closely engage with neighbours and governmental bodies in relation to environmental aspects right from the beginning of a project. This open and transparent communication is the key to obtain consent from local population.

Another important topic for Grüne Energien Solar GmbH is the engagement in “Corporate Social Investment”. Since the start of our company we support an animal welfare organization to improve animal rights. Grüne Energien Solar GmbH finances activities of Animal Protection Group- Arbeitsgruppe für Tierrechte e.V.. These activities are spay/neuter programs in Turkey for stray dogs, feeding app. 1000 stray dogs in Ankara and financing a home for elderly dogs and cats with no chance for adoption.


Grüne Energien Solar GmbH believes that technical and cultural innovations are the way to future markets. Grüne Energien Solar GmbH picks up innovations and news in the photovoltaic market to deliver always highest standard solar farm projects for its investors. Because of that we strive for long term business cooperation with our subcontractors and investors.